Fr. Thomas Kochuparathanath msfs
Who We Are

Principal's Message

I am sure most of you have heard instructions like, “Follow your heart,” or “Use your head a little more next time” But the confusion remains as to when you should put your head to use, When you should use your heart and how you must balance the two. It is true many of us struggle to balance head and heart. It is absolutely true of our young generation as they have to cope with a decadence of values, the extent of which is almost impossible to estimate. In this scenario, the success of true education depends on the balance brought out by human values in an individual’s personality which makes him or her fulfilled and happy. Thus the society becomes civilized and value based and the world is peaceful, liveable, lovable and enjoyable. However, values are caught not taught.

True education is a challenge to draw out and develop one’s mental, emotional and physical aspects of personality. It can be summarized as an integration of ‘3 Hs’ “Head, Heart and Health”.

  1. Head – Cognitive aspects of life (Think, Reflect and Reason out etc)
  2. Heart – Emotional aspects of life (Emotions and acceptance of self and others, etc.)
  3. Health – Physical aspects (Health and hygiene of the body)

The best thing we can do as educators is to help our children to develop their own integrated personality based on ‘universal human values’.

”The heart of education is the education of heart."

Our beloved founder of the MSFS congregation Servant of God Peter Marie Mermier thought and lived way beyond his time. He was an innovator in education. He believed that true education is all about the integration of head and heart. We at All Saints believe the same and strive to achieve this integration. All Saints is well equipped with a well-balanced curriculum to prepare its children to face their future challenges and to help them to develop their personality. We guide our children to march ahead with ethos of moral values and principles, while imparting education to match the advancement in technology and globalization. Our formation is aimed at producing responsible and productive citizens of tomorrow.

Fr. Thomas Kochuparathanath